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L10nMessages is a library that makes internationalization (i18n) and localization (l10n) of Java applications easy and safe.

It provides a fluent API to load and format messages that is built on top of Java standard libraries. In addition to simplifying the overall setup, it brings strong typing and compile time checks to the mix when used with the annotation processor.

The library can be used standalone in which case it will rely on JDK message formatting capabilities to which it adds named argument support.

It can also be used with ICU4J, the de-facto standard library for internationalization in Java. The supported APIs, while similar to JDK's, are more extensive and includes regular updates from Unicode. This is the recommended choice for better message formatting and advanced internationalization in general.

Check the Getting Started guide for a quick overview!

Benefits over plain JDK / ICU4J:

  • Easier to get started with the @L10nProperties annotation and with the fluent API: L10nMessages
  • Strong typing of message keys, message arguments and resource bundle names
    • The annotation processor: L10nPropertiesProcessor generates an Enum of keys for each resource bundle registered
    • Use the enum to initialize L10nMessages and the enum keys in L10nMessages#format() to reference existing messages
    • Optional "argument builders" / FormatContext for messages with arguments to provide maximal typing
  • Compile time checks
    • Missing properties file
    • Message formats validity (on root and localized files)
    • Duplicated keys in properties files
  • For Java 8, try to load properties files as UTF-8 and fallback to ISO-8859-1. This is the default behavior in Java 9+
  • For Java < 17, try to load alternate properties files for obsolete languages: "iw", "in" and "ji" (replaced respectively by "he", "id" and "yi"). This is the default behavior starting with Java 17
  • Simple caching. Easily integrates with other library like Guava cache.
  • Share arguments between subsequent calls to L10nMessages#format() calls
  • Graceful failure for invalid message formats and missing messages
  • Runtime checks for missing arguments
  • Prioritize use of ICU4J message format over JDK
  • Simple named argument support for JDK



The runtime library aims at being minimal. It has no dependencies, and the goal is to keep it that way in the future. The annotation processor is packaged in a different jar to keep the runtime size minimal.

L10nMessages provides named arguments support with JDK MessageFormat . If you can't or don't wish to integrate with ICU4J because of its size or dependencies but still want named argumentss, this is an interesting trade off.

For newcomers or seasoned developers

If you are new to Java or to Internationalization, you may not know where to start. Java has some documentation, but it takes time to go through all of it and to figure out how to effectively use the different libraries together (resource bundles , message formats, caching, etc.).

If you are used to doing internationalization in Java, you already know that a lot is available out of the box. Yet, you probably don't want to go through the pain of manually configuring and writing the same glue over and over again. The fluent API, the addition of build time checks and strong typing in L10nMessages is probably something you have been looking for.

Quick to setup, easy to use and to follow best practicies

With L10nMessages, you should be able to be up and running in a few minutes, for the main Java build systems. Some internationalization best practices with ICU4J are also documented.

Safer that "plain" Java

Plain Java internationalization lacks in type safety and message format validation. Default error handling will hard fail which might not be the best behavior for production systems. L10nMessages privileges graceful fallbacks and provides hooks to monitor failures.