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Getting Started

See the installation guide for your build system or start with existing examples.

This guide goes through all the steps required to render a localized message in a Java application starting from scratch.

Create a resource bundle

Create a root file: in the com.pinterest.l10nmessages.example package.

The corresponding resource bundle baseName is com.pinterest.l10nmessages.example.Messages.

UTF-8 is the recommended encoding for the properties files.

In a project that follows the Maven layout, the file would be:

welcome_user=Welcome {username}!

Register the resource bundle with @L10nProperties

Add the @L10nProperties annotation to the application class to register the resource bundle with the annotation processor.

import com.pinterest.l10nmessages.L10nProperties;

@L10nProperties(baseName = "com.pinterest.l10nmessages.example.Messages")
public class Application {


Enum generated by the annotation processor

Compile your project. The annotation processor should generate the following enum:

package com.pinterest.l10nmessages.example;

public enum Messages {

public static final String BASENAME = "com.pinterest.l10nmessages.example.Messages";
// ...

Strong typing using Enum

That enum can be used to create the L10nMessages instance and then to format a message using the typed key: Messages.welcome_user. The argument: username is provided as a key/value pair.

import com.pinterest.l10nmessages.L10nMessages;
import com.pinterest.l10nmessages.L10nProperties;

@L10nProperties(baseName = "com.pinterest.l10nmessages.example.Messages")
public class Application {

public static void main(String[] args) {
L10nMessages<Messages> m = L10nMessages.builder(Messages.class).build();
String localizedMsg = m.format(Messages.welcome_user, "username", "Mary");
// Welcome Mary!

For extra typing, consider argument names typing.


Localize the root properties file by creating the file for "French"

welcome_user=Bienvenue {username}!

Specify the locale wanted for the messages

@L10nProperties(baseName = "com.pinterest.l10nmessages.example.Messages")
public class Application {

public static void main(String[] args) {
L10nMessages<Messages> m = L10nMessages.builder(Messages.class)
String localizedMsg = m.format(Messages.welcome_user, "username", "Mary");
// Bienvenue Mary!

For advanced message formatting and localization, see the ICU4J guide.