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Java 8+ supported

Maven group id is com.pinterest.l10nmessages and artifact id l10nmessages.

The latest version is 1.0.5.

Each build system: Bazel, Gradle and Maven has a slightly different setup, but the main steps are:

  • Set up the annotation processor
  • Add the runtime library / fluent API
  • Register properties files

It is recommended to use the annotation processor together with the runtime library but both can be used independently. The documentation covers setting up both together.

Annotation processor

The annotation processor: com.pinterest.l10nmessages.L10nPropertiesProcessor is used to generate enums for strong typing and to perform compile time checks. It must have access to the properties files through the annotation path or classpath which is build system dependent.

Fluent API

The fluent API: com.pinterest.l10nmessages.L10nMessages is used at runtime to load and format messages. Properties files are accessed through the classpath as defined by JDK / ICU resource bundles.

This library has no transitive dependency and is meant to be lightweight.

Register Properties files

Any change to the properties file should re-trigger the generation for the enums for strong typing. Bazel and Gradle support this easily. Maven has some limitations to be aware of.